Usingnewmaterials - employment of different objects and materials that looked useless to the common man but were brought to great use by modern artists.
Use of color - Traditionally, color was used to bring reality to paintings and art pieces.
Modern artist use color unconventionally to make new textures and themes and used them in their pieces of art.
Fauvism - aggression in the use of colors and their autonomy about shapes
Fauvism - thick and pasted brushstrokes
fauvism - do not try to imitate reality but rather give a unique imprint to each work showing the emotional charge of the artists.
Expressionism - the artist depicts not objective reality but the subjective emotions that objects or events arouse.
Expressionism - distortion and exaggeration of shape and the vivid or violent application of color.
Cubism - emphasized the flat, two-dimensional surface of the picture plane, rejecting the traditional techniques of perspective
Futurism - manifestation of the movement, the speed, and the rhythmic repetition
Abstract art - Many authors suggest that this current is within cubism.
Abstract art - abstracting from appearances, even to the point of unrecognizable, and making works of art out of forms not drawn from the visible world.
Neoplasticism - based on two-dimensionality, use of straight lines, and primary colors.
Neoplasticism - divest itself of the particular to manifest the purity of art.
Constructivism - one of the directives that it contained was “to construct” art, because of admiration for machines and technology.
Surrealism - Emphasis was not on negation but on positive expression.
Surrealism - world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world in “an absolute reality, a surrealistic.”
Conceptual art - post object art or art as an idea
Conceptual art - usually manipulated by the tools of language and sometimes documented by photography.