Measuring Stress

Cards (9)

  • SSRS?
    5000 patients, 400 ppts rate the LC, scores averaged to create LCU. use scale to tick off events
  • SSRS- strengths?
    easy to use, used by researchers to show link between stress and illness.
  • SSRS- weakness?
    LCU are subjective, only applies to adults, ignores factors that 'buffer' stress
  • Hassles and Uplifts?
    117 hassles and 135 uplifts. ppts rate hassles for severity and uplift for frequency.
  • Hassles and Uplifts- strengths?
    easy to use and has been used in research.
  • Hassles and Uplifts- weakness?
    too long, test-retest ability low (0.48 for hassles and 0.6 for uplifts) Gender differences in hassles vs uplifts.
  • Skin conductive response?
    tonic skin conductance, measure skin conductance in response to a stimulus aka phasic skin conductance by comparing this against a baseline aka skin conductance response.
  • Osumi and Ohira (2010)?

    found psychopaths can lie without an associated physiological response and most people's SCR can changes based in other things.
  • Individual differences?
    some people produce little SCR and others produce a lot even at rest.