General Adaptation Syndrome

Cards (8)

  • acute stress?

    stress caused by something temporary and lasts a short time.
  • Hans Selye (1936)?

    one general response, respond to all stressor the same way.
  • Gas: Alarm?

    Flight or FIght activated
  • Gas: Resistance?
    we try to adapt and appear to be coping but are using up resources due to constant use of stress response
  • GAS: Exhaustion?
    fail to adapt, resources drained and stress related illnesses develop
  • Selye (1936)?
    exposed rats to a range of stressors and found they responded in the same way to each one.
  • Mason (1971)?
    exposed monkeys to seven stressors and found varied effects suggesting it is not true respond to all stressors the same.
  • Selye?
    paved the way for understanding of the link between stress and illness