Stress and CVD

Cards (6)

  • Directly?
    increased heart rate wears lining of blood vessels. increased glucose leads to clumps blocking blood vessels
  • Indirectly?
    stress causes us to do maladptive things
  • Harburg et al (1973)?
    compared bp of people living in high & low stress of Detroit. highest blood pressure found in high stress group
  • Cobb and Rose (1973)?
    compared bp of pilots and air traffic controllers. ATC believed to be most stressed. ATC highest blood pressure
  • Russek and Zohman?
    heart diseases greater in GP (high stress) than dermatologists (Low stress)
  • Yusef et al (2004)?

    compared people who had experienced a heart attack with those who had not. those with heart attacks more likely to experience chronic stress.