4) selection

Cards (40)

  • Selection
    Choosing individuals with the correct qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization
  • Purpose of selection
    To find the best candidate for a job
  • Selection criteria
    • Characteristic that a person must possess to perform job duties successfully
    • Predictors of selection criteria - Measurable or visible indicators of selection criteria
  • Selection criteria by Lewis
    • Compliance with the organization's values - organizational culture
    • Integration into that department or group - group norms
    • Meeting the job requirements - job specification
  • Person/organization fit
    Congruence between individuals and organizational factors, one level of person/environment fit
  • Person/group fit
    Congruence between individuals and group or work unit dynamics, one level of person/environment fit
  • Person/job fit
    Matching the KSAs and motivations of individuals with the requirements and compensation of the jobs
  • Staffing process
    1. Job posting
    2. Checking applications (documents, references)
    3. First interview
    4. Test(s)
    5. Assessment Center
    6. Second (…) interview
    7. Job offer, contract
    8. Placement
  • Responsibilities in selection
    • HR dep. Pre-Hire - Planning the selection process, Receiving applications, filtering, Administering pre-employment tests, Interviewing the applicants, Others
    • HR dep. Post Hire - Placing and assigning new employees, Orienting and onboarding new hires, Coordinating follow-up evaluations of new employees, Evaluation of the selection process, Maintaining appropriate records and reports, Conducting exit interviews with departing employees
    • Operating Managers - Formulation of selection criteria, Approval of the selection method(s), Participating in the interviews, Making the selection decision
  • Reliability
    Extent to which a test or measure repeatedly produces the same results over time
  • Validity
    Extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure
  • Concurrent validity
    Measured when an employer tests current employees and correlates the scores with their performance ratings
  • Predictive validity

    Measured when applicants' test scores are compared with subsequent job performance
  • Selection process flowchart
    1. Application
    2. Pre-employment screening
    3. Selection tools
    4. Selection decision and job offer
  • Realistic job preview
    Process through which a job applicant receives an accurate picture of a job
  • Selection tools
    • Application forms
    • CVs, résumés, motivational letter
    • References
    • Assessment Center (AC)
    • Tests
    • Interviews
    • Online solutions
  • Application forms
    Basis for prescreening information, Record of the applicant's desire to obtain a position, Applicant profile for the interviewer, Basic employee record for applicants hired, Research on the effectiveness of the selection process, Formal document on which applicant attests to truthful information
  • Résumés as applications
    EEOC standards require that a résumé is treated as an application form, By the application forms, the same information is collected about all applicants, Résumés may embellish or omit negative information
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    Personal data, Experience - a professional life, Qualifications, education, Other courses, Language skills, certificates, driving license, etc., Interests, Short (1-2 pages), Professional look, Focused on performance, Quick overview
  • Guerilla CV examples show typos, misspelling, no transparency, incomprehensible abbreviations, time holes, bad design
  • Assessment Center (AC)
    A selection process composed of a series of evaluative tests during which candidates are assessed by multiple raters, A set of methods - Multiple reviewers evaluate, Multiple candidates in, Multiple rounds (2-3 days), Extremely costly and time-consuming, In the case of key positions, Elements: simulations, work exercises, presentations, interviews, tests, role plays, business games, case studies, leaderless group discussion, etc., Assessing relevant skills and competencies
  • Selection tests
    For every job, High reliability, accuracy, and objectivity, Makes the selection decision credible, Provides pre-determined information
  • Types of tests
    • Ability tests - Aptitude tests, Cognitive ability tests, Physical ability tests, Psychomotor tests, Work sample test, Situational judgment test
    • Personality tests
    • EQ tests, CQ tests
    • Honesty and integrity tests
    • Medical Examinations and Inquiries
  • Work sample test
    Requires an applicant to perform a simulated task that is a specified part of the target job, Performing the essential elements of the given work, Assesses the knowledge of the future work: the candidate completes a part of the future job as an exam
  • In-Tray Exercise (In-Basket Test)

    A sample set of written materials typically used by managers. Typical tasks and problems have to be transferred to "out-basket" in a limited period of time, It tests key managerial skills - Analysis of data, systematization of information, Integration of information, Prioritization, time management, Decision-making
  • Personality
    The unique blend of individual characteristics that can affect how people interact with their work environment
  • Emotional intelligence
    Ability to recognize and manage our own feelings and the feelings of others, Soft skills are critical for establishing good working relationships, Managers with high emotional intelligence tend to be more creative and perform better on the job, More effective in teams and handle stress better
  • Selection interview
    Procedure for obtaining information based on a personal conversation, Targeted conversation with no rigid rules, Purposes: To obtain information about candidates, To provide information and reinforce the employer brand
  • Types of selection interviews
    • Structured selection interviews
    • Biographical interview
    • Behavioral interview
    • Situational interview (Case study interview)
  • Structured selection interviews
    A set of prepared, job-related questions that are asked of all applicants, Comparison can be made, More reliable and valid
  • Less-structured interviews
    • Unstructured interview
    • Semi-structured interview
    • Non-directive interview
    • Unusual questions, offbeat questions
  • Who conducts interviews?
    • Individual (HR professional, operating manager)
    • Individual sequentially - multiple interviews
    • Panel interview
    • Team interview
  • STAR method
    Situation, Task, Action, Result
  • Questions commonly asked in selection interviews
    • General questions
    • Problem-solving questions
    • Questions about motivation
    • Questions about working with others
    • Integrity-indicator questions
  • Questions to avoid: Yes/no questions, Obvious questions, Questions that rarely produce a true answer, Leading questions, Illegal/inappropriate questions, Questions that are not job-related
  • Poor interviewing techniques: Snap judgments, Negative emphasis, Halo effect, devil's horns, Biases and stereotyping, Cultural noise
  • Digital solutions in selection
    1. Online application
    2. Online test
    3. Screening by Recruiter
    4. Video interview
    5. AC/other interview
    6. Offer
  • Selection decision and making the job offer
    Based on the evaluation of all the collected information, Criteria: Efficient placement, Avoiding conflicts within the organization, Making the job offer by the employer - Terms and conditions of employment should be clearly identified, Accepting the job offer by the candidate, Signing the employment contract, Evaluation of selection
  • Placement
    Fitting a person to the right job, the ultimate purpose of selection
  • Attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory
    Job candidates are attracted to and selected by firms where similar types of individuals are employed, and individuals who are very different quit their jobs to work elsewhere