How do you prove that a quadratic is positive for all values of x?
complete the square and show min point is positive.
How do you prove a quadratic > x + a ?
move all to one side and complete square for minimum value of x. sub value into original interval to show it is always larger.
prove there are no integers where 6x + 9y = 1?
factorise, 3(2x + 3y) = 1 2x + 3y = ⅓ 2x and 3y are integers. integer + integer can’t equal a fraction.
Prove root 3 is irrational?
assume is rational, root 3 =a/b
Prove there is an infinite number of primes?
assume finite number of primes, let x = product of all primes (p1xp2xp3xpn) y = x+1. y has no prime factors p1 to pn so either has a prime not listed or is a prime itself
Prove that sum of rational and irrational number is irrational?
let rational = a/b let irrational = c (where can’t be expressed as a/b) and let sum = d/e. a/b + C = d/e. Rearrange. c = bd - ae / be. Written as fraction so contradicting.