Health chap 6

Cards (26)

  • Australia's health system
    public- public hospitals, Medicare, PBS, NDIS+
    Private- private health insurance, private hospitals and private medical practitioners
  • medicare
    medicare is australias universal health insurance scheme. It provides all australian residents, regardless of income, location, and culture access to healthcare that is subsidized by the federal government
  • what does medicare cover?
    GP fees
    eye tests
    x rays
    blood tests
  • what doesnt medicare cover?
    most dental treatment
    ambulance services
    alternative therapies like chiropractic,
  • bulk billing
    bulk billing is a term used when a service provider like a general practitioner chooses to charge the patient no more than the scheduled fee for their services. the service provider is paid directly by the government.
  • out of pocket expenses
    Makung up the difference between the scheduled fee and the actual fee charged
  • medicare safety net
    aims to protect those who have a heavy relience on medical services from high out of pocket expenses. Once the out of pocket expenses reach a certain threshold, the Medicare services are charged at a cheaper rate for the remainder of the year.
  • how is medicare funded?
    general taxation, medicare levy, medicare levy surcharge
  • medicare advantages
    avaliable to all australian citizens
    choice of doctor for out of hospital services
  • medicare disadvantages
    waiting lists for many treatments
    does not cover alternative therapies
  • Pharmaceutical benefits scheme

    allows concession card holders to access over 5000 common prescription medications at a significantly reduced rate.
  • National disability insurance scheme
    provides services and support to people with permanent significant disabilities, and their families and carers. To be eligible for NDIS, a person must meet age, residency and disability requirements. Funded by federal and state governments
  • NDIS
    access to health, housing education
    access to sport clubs and libraries
  • private health insurance
    is an optional additional health insurance which provides coverage for health services not covered by medicare
  • private health insurance advantages
    shorter waiting times for medical procedures
    enables access to private hospital care
  • private health insurance disadvantages
    policies can be complex and may confuse some people
    costly in terms of the premiums that need to be paid
  • the role of australias health system
  • funding
    money provided, especially by an organization or government for a particular purpose
  • sustainability
    the ability to be maintained at a certain level or rate
  • access
    the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place
  • equity
    the quality of being fair and impartial
  • sustainability
  • funding
  • access
  • equity
  • incentives for private health insurance
    lifetime health cover
    private health insurance rebate- a refund on part of the costs of the insurance premium paid by the federal government
    dont have to pay medicare levy surcharge