Ethanol obtained from distillation is not pure as it will still contain small quantity of water - some of the water in the mixture will evaporate at temperatures below its boiling point.
Simple distillation can be used to separate:
a liquid from a solution (simple distillation).
a liquid from a mixture of two miscible (two liquids mix without forming a layer) liquids (fractional distillation).
Simple distillation
Involves the evaporation of the liquid from the solution (mixture), followed by condensation.
Simple distillation E.G.
Water can be separated from salt water by distillation - when salt water is heated, water evaporates and then vapour cools and condenses as passes along condenser. Pure water collects in beaker and salt doesn’t evaporate, stays behind.
Fractional distillation
Involves the separation of the different liquids within the mixture - method works as liquids in solution have different boiling points. When solution is heated, liquid with lower boiling point will evaporate before the other.
Fractional distillation E.G.
Water can be separated from ethanol by fractional distillation - when mixture is heated, ethanol evaporates as it has lower boiling point (78°C). Ethanol vapour cools a d condenses as passes along condenser and collects in beaker - water doesn’t evaporate as has higher boiling point (100°C).