
Cards (10)

  • prehistory
    punishment from god
    abnormal behaviour was caused by religion, witchcraft and demonic possession
    TREATMENTS = holy water, prayer, good deeds and positive thoughts, exorcism, immersing in boiling water
  • greek culture

    imbalances in the four humours
    blood letting/ leaches
    diet / exercise
  • psychogenic
    mental illness is a result of the unconscious
    psychoanalysis can gain insight into the past and thoughts in the unconscious
    CBT , dream analysis, free association
  • somatogenic
    abnormal brain structure and abnormal levels of neurotransmitters
    drug treatments
    ECT, psychosurgery, psychpharmacology
  • deviation from social norms
    culturally dependent, era dependent
    goes against social expectations and laws
    groups decide what is and isn't acceptable
    fits with social expectations
    varies across cultures
  • failure to function adequately
    failure to cope with basic demand
    unable to hold a job or maintain relationships
    cause distress to themselves or others
    objective to use
    culturally dependent, doesnt account for adaptive behaviours
  • deviation from ideal mental health

    focuses on normal behaviour
    criteria for ideal mental health is not met
    rational, can accurately perceive ourselves, independent, realistic views of the world and good self esteem
    easy to measure, objective
    rigid, culturally dependent, unrealistic to achieve all at once
  • statistical infrequency
    behaviour that occurs rarely
    eg. average IQ = 100, Einstein = 160 IQ so labelled abnormal
    quantitative, objective, measurable and comparative
    incomplete as not all abnormal behaviour is negative
  • ICD diagnosis

    international classification of diseases
    minimum of one clear symptom for a one month period
    paranoid schizophrenia, disorganised schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia and undifferentiated schizophrenia
  • DSM diagnosis
    diagnostic statistical manual
    two or more symptoms of delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech, catatonic behaviour, poverty of speech and motivation
    most used in america