Cards (16)

  • Phase I. Pre-Test
    • is the preparatory stage for polygraph examination. This includes all consideration bearing on polygraph examination up to the time of actual activation of the examination. The examiner pre-test interview with the subject prior to the test is considerable importance both for the purpose of conditioning the subject for the examination and also to provoke and observe indications of guilt or innocence. 
  • Pre-test Interview
    • before the actual testing is done, the examiner must first make an informal interview of the subject which may last from to 20 minutes to 30 minutes. ​
  • Pre-test Interview
    •  Purpose of the Interview:​aThe appraisal of subjects constitutional rights ​
    b. To determine whether the subject has any medical or psychiatric condition or has used drugs that will prevent the testing. ​
    c. To explain to the subject the purpose of the examination. ​
    d. To develop the test questions, particularly those of the types to be asked. ​
    e. To relieve the truthful subject of any apprehension as well as to satisfy the deceptive subject as to the efficiency of the technique ​
  • phase II. Test Execution (Questioning Phase)
    •  the actual questioning to the subject in polygraph examination. These include all consideration bearing on polygraph examination from the time the instrumental attachments are placed on the subject until the time the instrument is deactivated.​
    • This refers to the composite records of Pneumograph, Galvanograph, and Cardiosphymograph tracing recorded from a series of questions​
    • it is the process of using symbols on the polygraph chart to denote the subject reactions and other circumstances that occur during the actual polygraph test. ​
  • Primary Markings
    • which indicate the beginning and end of examination as well as the questions and answers of the subject.
  •  Secondary Markings
     markings which are placed only if the examinee does something which will cause the physiological tracings to distort. These markings are usually placed below the affected tracing.​
  • Phase III. Post- Test
    the consideration that bear polygraph examination from the time the instrument is deactivated following final polygraph examination until the diagnostic opinion is reported and the case is concluded. If the polygraph test result indicates deception the examiner will then proceed to conduct short interrogation. The purpose of which is to obtain confession. ​
  • Post- Test Interview
     is conducted when the reactions indicate truthful response and the subject is very cooperative to the examiner. ​
    Post- Test Interrogation- the examiner will conduct interrogation if there is a presence of significant reactions on the relevant questions indicative of deception. ​
  • Three Diagnostic Opinions in Polygraph Examination ​
    • Truthfulness​
    • Deception ​
    • Inconclusive​
  •  Irrelevant Question
    - these are question formulated without specific relationship with the case under investigation and deals with a known fact about which the subject cannot lie. Purpose: To establish and re-establish subject’s normal tracing plus response capability (excitement level) with verbal stimuli.​
  •  Irrelevant Question
    - these are question formulated without specific relationship with the case under investigation and deals with a known fact about which the subject cannot lie. Purpose: To establish and re-establish subject’s normal tracing plus response capability (excitement level) with verbal stimuli.​
  • Relevant Question
     a question formulate from information pertaining to the object of the examination and pointed at determining the subject’s knowledge of complicity in, or truthfulness or deception regarding the issue in question​
  • Strong or Primary Relevant
     having an intense and specific relationship to the offense or problem being considered. (Ex: where you the one who actually stole the missing assorted jewelries of Ms. Ana?) ​
  • Secondary or Weak Relevant
     deals with secondary element of the crime and probe mostly on guilty knowledge and partial involvement. (Ex: Between 10:00a.m and 11:00 p.m January 1, 2015.did you open the table drawer of Ms. Ana?)​