nitrogen cycle

Cards (10)

  • Nitrifying bacteria
    Turns ammonia in decaying matter into nitrItes and then nitrAtes
  • decomposers
    decompose urea + proteins into ammonia which forms NH4+ (ammonium ions)
  • nitrogen fixing bacteria
    turns N2 gas into ammonia and then into ammonium
  • denitrifying bacteria
    turns nitrates → N2 gas.
    DOESNT benefit living organisms
    found in waterlogged soil
  • nitrogen fixation
    is where the nitrogen in the air is turned into nitrogen containing ions in the soil that the plants can use
  • nitrogen fixation 2 types
    • lightning
    • nitrogen fixing bacteria
  • lightning a type of nitrogen fixation
    there's sm energy in a bolt of lightning that it makes nitrogen and oxygen in the air to react to form nitrates
  • farmers can increase the amount of N2 in soil. crops r harvested so there is no dead plants that decompose to allow their N2 to be recycled by the soil. so the amount of N2 in the soil decreases this can cause poor crop growth + plant deficiency's due to the lack of N2 in the soil
  • crop rotation- method to increase N2 in the soil
    diff plants r planted in a cycle, N2 fixing crops r also planted in the soil to increase the amount of N2
  • fertilisers - method to increase the N2 in the soil
    animal manure, compost or artificial fertilisers can be spread on fields to recycle the N2 allowing them to enter the soil thru decomposition
    artificial ones r more expensive