
Cards (19)

  • aim
    to use a larger sample to investigate the hereditary of schizophrenia and bipolar if one or both parents have a diagnosis
  • method
    secondary data using danish civil registration system from 1968-1997
  • sample
    people born in denmark etween 1968 - 1997
    danish psychiatric central register - admission to hospitals etween 1970 and 1907 ased on ICD8 or IDC10
    279 couples both admitted
    20000 couples where one was admitted
  • procedure
    researchers identified any person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar or major depression
    data on offspring was linked with parents psychiatry history
    using the civil registration researchers could establish who their parents were adn check if they had ever been admitted
  • findings
    1 parent with bipolar = 4.4% chance of a disorder
    1 parent with schizophrenia = 7% chance
    2 parents with bipolar = 24.9% S and 44.2% BP
    2 parents with schizophrenia = 27.3% S and 67.5% BP
  • summary of results
    children with one parent with mental illness are more likely to have the same disorder than the general population
    if both a child's parents have a disorder this risk increases significantly
    those with one parent with schizophrenia have a 7% risk of S compare to the general population of 1%
    this increases to 27% with 2 parents
  • conclusions
    offspring for dual mating diagnosed with psychosis constitute a super high risk sample of psychosis
    strong role of genetics
    can be used by families and physicians in family planning to consider the impact on future children
  • diathesis stress model
    people may be predisposed to a mental health condition but a trigger or stressor is needed to cause symptoms
    diathesis = genetic, biological or early childhood predisposition
    stress = new experience or environmental trigger
  • nature / individual / biological
    gottesman - 2 parents with S = 27%, 2 parents with BP = 24.95%
    one parent with S = 7%, one parent with BP = 4.4%
    brain abnormality - overall size was 2.6% smaller
    twin studies - MZ = 52%, DZ = 12%
    adoption studies - 9.4% biological mother
    enlarged ventricles
    dopamine - levels cause positive symptoms
  • nurture / situational / environmental
    more DZ receptors due to brain injury or illness
  • reductionism

    excessive DZ receptors
    enlarged ventricles
    reduction in grey matter in temporal and frontal lobes
    genetics - MZ = 85%, DZ = 12%
  • holism
    Ripke - 108 genetic variations
    enlarged ventricles leads to reduced grey matter
  • socially sensitive
    IS- gottesman/genetics = blames parents, cant change genes
    IS - influence eugenics policies to reduce gene pool
  • usefulness
    treatment options - antipsychotics
    drug treatment is a circular agreement
    genetics -family planning and monitoring high risk children and interventions
  • free will
    people with schizophrenia can develop coping mechanisms to reduce the impact of hallucinations
  • reliability
    PET scans, MRI scans
    research has shown a 0.90 correlation when studying the larger region of the thalamus
    gottesman - sample didnt incude out patients so only most severe
  • validity
    large sample
    IDC is a valid tool
    validity of independent diagnosis - meyer found 45% of patients with BP were misdiagnosed first
  • ethnocentrism
    gottesman - rooted in individual western cultures
    in other cultures MI may focus on social/cultural/spiritual factors
  • sampling bias
    gottesman - danish
    only in patients