
Cards (12)

  • Validity
    This is used in qualitative research to verify or check if the data collected from the procedures performed by the researcher is accurate and can support the proposed discussions (Haradhan, 2017).
  • Types of validity for qualitative research
    • Content validity
    • Criterion based validity
    • Construct validity
    • Triangulation
  • Content validity
    The extent to which the questions on the instrument and the scores from these questions represent all possible questions that could be asked about the content or skill
  • Face Validity
    • The minimum index of content validity
    • Tests the degree by which the results or instrument measures the concept being measured
  • Criterion based validity

    Used to predict current or future performances by correlating results with another criterion of interest
  • Concurrent Validity
    • Relates the results to an already established/validated set of scores
  • Predictive Validity
    • Relates the results to a future criterion to predict some form of behavior
  • Construct validity
    Used when the goal of the study is to construct theories to understand better and predict behavior
  • Convergent Validity
    • Determines the correlation of different results
    • Tests the relationship among variables
  • Discriminant Validity
    • Determines the lack of relationship among certain variables according to theory and empirical evidence
  • Triangulation
    Relies on multiple validation methods to verify the results of a study
  • Triangulation methods
    • With different investigators
    • With different research methods (same research type)
    • With different research methods (different research types)