Ch13: Stories of Creation

Cards (2)

  • Understanding of the creation of Earth; Christianity (1):
    • Christians believe the Earth was made in 7 days
    • Darkness and Light were made on the first day
    • The sky was made on the second day
    • Land, rivers, mountains were on the third day
    • The Sun and Moon were on the fourth day
    • Animals and plants were on the fifth day
    • Humans were made on the sixth day
    • Nothing was made on the seventh day; it is a day of rest.
  • Understanding of the creation of Earth; Non-Religious:
    • Atheists and scientists believe in the Big Bang Theory and evolution by natural selection
    • The theory suggests that before the event Big Bang occurred, all the mass in the universe was condensed into the size of a toothpick
    • 14 billion years ago, this condensed mass exploded rapidly, which is known as the Big Bang
    • Darwin's theory of natural selection explains that all life forms today evolved from much simpler life forms over millions of years by gradually changing