severe mental disorder where contact with reality and insight are impaired
diagnosis and classification -
to diagnose a specific disorder, need to distinguish one disorder from another - do this by identifying clusters of symptoms that occur together and classifying this as one disorder
systems for classification of mental disorder -
ICD-10 and DSM-5
differ slightly in classification of schizophrenia
DSM-5 system - 1 positive symptom must be present, ICD - 2 or more negative symptoms are sufficient
previous editions recognised subtypes - but both have now dropped subtypes because they tended to be inconsistant
positive symptoms -
additional experiences beyond those of ordinary experience
hallucinations = unusual sensory experiences - related to events in environment or no relationship to senses in environment (eg hearing voices) - experienced in relation to any sense (eg distorted facial expressions, people or animals who aren't there)
delusions = paranoia or irrational beliefs - range of forms (eg being an important figure, being persecuted by government aliens or having superpowers) - believe they're under external control
negative symptoms -
loss of usual abilities and experience
speech poverty = changes in patterns of speech - reduction in amount and quality of speech - delay in verbal responses during conversation - however now more emphasis on speech disorganisation - incoherent or speaker changes topic mid-sentence (DSM-5 says positive symptom)
avolition - 'apathy' finding it difficult to begin or keep up with goal-directed activity - reduced motivation - 3 signs: poor hygiene, lack of persistence in work or education and lack of energy
strength of diagnosis: good reliability -
P: psychiatric diagnosis is said to be reliable when different diagnosing clinicians reach the same diagnosis for same individual (inter-rater reliability) + when same clinician reaches the same diagnosis for the same individual on 2 occasions (test-retest reliability)
E: Osorio et al (2019) report excellent reliability for diagnosis - 180 individuals using the DSM-5 pairs of interviewers achieved inter-rater reliability of +.97 and test-retest reliability of +9.2
P: means we can be reasonably sure that the diagnosis is consistently applied
limitation of diagnosis: low validity -
P: validity concerns whether we assess what we are trying to assess
E: one way to assess is criterion validity
E: Cheniaux et al (2009) had 2 psychiatrists independently assess the same 100 clients using ICD-10 and DSM-IV criteria - found 68 were diagnosed under ICD system and 39 under DSM
L: suggests its wither over or under diagnosed according to diagnostic system - suggests criterion validity is low
strength of diagnosis: counterpoint of low validity -
in Osorio et al study reported above there was excellent agreement between clinicians when they used 2 measures to diagnose - both derived from the DSM system
means criterion validity for diagnosing is actually good provided it takes place within a single diagnostic system
limitation of diagnosis: co-morbidity -
P: if conditions occur together a lot of the time then this calls into question the validity of their diagnosis and classification because they might actually be a single condition
E: commonly diagnosed with other conditions - one review found half of those diagnosed with schizophrenia also had a diagnosis of depression or substance abuse
E: problem for classification cause it means schizophrenia may not exist as a distinct condition - problem for diagnosis as some people diagnosed may have unusual cased of conditions like depression
limitation in diagnosis: gender bias -
P: since 1980s men have been more commonly diagnosed then women
E: possible explanations - women less vulnerable then men, genetic factors
E: more likely women are under diagnosed because they have closer relationships and get more support - leads to women often functioning better than men
L: under diagnosis is a gender bias and means women may not be receiving treatment and services that might benefit them
limitation of diagnosis: culture bias -
P: some symptoms (eg hearing voices) have different meanings in different cultures
E: eg in Haiti some people believe voices are communications from ancestors
E: British people of African-Carribean origin are 9x more likely to receive a diagnosis as white British people
limitation of diagnosis: symptom overlap -
P: considerable overlap between symptoms of schizophrenia and symptoms of other conditions
E: both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder involve positive symptoms (eg delusions) and negative symptoms (eg avolition)
L: means schizophrenia may not exist as a distinct condition and that even if it does its hard to diagnose - both classification and diagnosis are flawed