Unlike the US top-down approach, the Britishbottom-up model does notbegin with fixedtypologies. Instead, the profile is 'data-driven' and emerges as the investigatorrigorouslyscrutinises the details of a particularoffence.
The aim is to generate a picture of the offenders'characteristics, routines and background through analysis of the evidence.
What sort of analysis is carried out with the crime scene evidence?
Statisticalprocedures/analysis detect patterns of behaviour that are likely to occur (or coexist) across crimescenes.
This is done to develop a statistical'database which then acts as a baseline for comparison. Features of an offence can be matched against this database to suggest potentiallyimportantdetails about the offender, their personal history, familybackground, etc.
What is the analysis based on? What is the key concept of this approach?
Based on psychological concepts
A central concept is interpersonal coherence - the way an offender behaves at the scene may reflect their behaviour in everydaysituations, i.e. their behaviour 'hangs together'. This might tell the police something about how the offender relates to women more generally.
The locations of crimescenes are used to infer the likely home or operationalbase of an offender. Serial offenders restrict their 'work' to areas they are familiar with. Location can also be used alongside psychologicaltheory to create hypotheses about the offender and their modusoperandi
What is the circle theory proposed by Canter and Larkin:
The pattern of offendinglocations is likely to form a circle around the offender's usual residence, and this becomes more apparent the moreoffences there are. The offender's spatialdecision-making can provide insight into the nature of the offence
Difference between bottom-up and top-down approach?
Both are based on crime-scene data. The difference is that the top-down approach uses the data to generate the profile and, from then on, the investigatorfits the profile to the crimescene. In the bottom-up version the investigator always starts again at the bottom and generates a profile.
1st strength of the bottom-up approach in offender profiling
That evidence supports investigativepsychology
Canter and Heritage conducted an analysis of 66sexualassault cases using smallest space analysis. Severalbehaviours were identified in most cases (e.g. using impersonal language). Each individualdisplayed a pattern of such behaviours, helps establish whether two or moreoffences were committed by the sameperson ('case linkage'). This supports one of the basicprinciples of investigativepsychology (and the bottom-up approach) that people are consistent in their behaviour
Counterpoint to the 1st strength of the bottom-up approach in offender profiling
However, the database is made up of only solvedcrimes which are likely to be those that were straightforward to link together - a circular argument. This suggests that investigative psychology may tell us little about crimes that have fewlinks between them and therefore remain unsolved.
2nd strength of the bottom-up approach in offender profiling
Evidence to support geographicalprofiling
Lundrigan and Canter collated information from 120murdercases in the US.Smallestspaceanalysis revealed spatialconsistency - a centre of gravity. Offenders leave homebase in differentdirections when dumping a body but created a circulareffect, especially in the case of marauders. This supports the view that geographicalinformation can be used to identify an offender
1st limitation of the bottom-up approach in offender profiling
Geographicalprofiling may not be sufficient on its own
Recording of crime is not always accurate, can vary between policeforces and an estimated 75% of crimes are not even reported to police. Even if crimedata is correct, other factors matter e.g. timing of the offence and age and experience of the offender. This suggests that geographicalinformationalone may not always lead to the successfulcapture of an offender