India (Women)

Cards (3)

  • what gender inequality issues are there in India
    parliament representation (10%), education, employment, access to healthcare (1 third in Bihar have no access), social norms (in Dehli only 25% return to work after giving birth), violence (50% of women think its ok for a man to beat his wife), modern slavery (14million)
  • what are the consequences for gender inequality in india
    dowry deaths (over 8,000) when family can't meet demand, honour killings when women don't follow norms, sex selective abortions, women coerced by men due to reliance, limited education and poverty leading to high MMR and IMR (43 per 1000)
  • evidence for changing norms in india
    has joined CEDAW, new laws (prohibition of child marriage act and dowry prohibition act), increase in dehli police officers to report crimes, large companies providing flexible hours and child care