Infection and response

Cards (26)

  • Malaria is a communicable disease spread by a protist pathogen through mosquitoes
  • Ways to stop the spread of malaria
    • Prevent mosquito bites
    • Stop mosquitoes breeding
  • Types of Pathogens
    • Bacteria
    • Viruses
    • Protists
    • Fungi
  • Bacteria
    • Very small living cells
    • Can produce toxins (poisons) that make you feel ill
  • Viruses
    • Much smaller than bacteria
    • Can produce rapidly inside your body
    • Live inside your cells and hijack them to produce more viruses
    • Cell will usually then burst, releasing all the new viruses
  • Protists
    • Single-celled eukaryotes
    • Some are parasites that live in or on other organisms and can cause disease
    • Often transmitted to the organism by a vector, which is the thing that carries the protist
  • Fungi
    • Come in different shapes
    • Some have a body which is made up of hyphae (thread-like structures)
    • Hyphae can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants, causing disease
    • Hyphae can produce spores, which can be spread to other plants and animals
  • Ways Pathogens Can Be Spread

    • Drinking or bathing in dirty water
    • Airborne spread in droplets produced when coughing or sneezing
    • Direct contact by touching contaminated surfaces
  • Pathogens can cause disease in both humans and plants
  • Viruses can cause cell damage
  • Viral Diseases to Know About
    • Measles
    • HIV/AIDS
    • Plant viral diseases
  • Measles
    • Spread by droplets from an infected person's coughs and sneezes
    • Causes a red rash and fever
    • Can be very serious, or even fatal, if there are complications
    • Initially has no symptoms for several years
    • Attacks the immune system (white blood cells)
    • If the immune system is badly damaged, the person can't cope with other infections or cancers
  • Plant viral diseases
    • Cause patterns on the leaves of plants
    • Affects the plant's ability to carry out photosynthesis
  • Diseases to Know About
    • Measles (viral)
    • Rose black spot (fungal)
    • Malaria (protist)
  • Rose black spot
    • Fungus that causes black spots to develop on the leaves of plants
    • Means the plant can't carry out photosynthesis as well, so the plant doesn't grow well
    • Spreads through the environment in water or by the wind
    • Can be treated using fungicides and by removing affected leaves
  • Malaria
    • Caused by a protist
    • Part of the protist's life cycle takes place inside the mosquito
    • Mosquitoes pick up the protist when they feed on an infected animal and then infect other animals when they feed
    • Causes episodes of fever and can be fatal
    • Can be reduced by stopping mosquitoes from breeding and using insecticides/mosquito nets
  • Bacterial diseases and preventing disease also need to be known
  • The human body has a sophisticated defence system to fight pathogens
  • Body's Defences Against Pathogens
    • Physical barriers like skin and mucus
    • White blood cells that can attack and destroy pathogens
    • Antibodies that can recognise and bind to specific pathogens
    • Antitoxins that counteract toxins produced by bacteria
  • Phagocytosis
    White blood cells consuming and digesting foreign cells and microbes
  • Nose and bronchi
    • Have hair-like structures that trap particles that could contain pathogens
  • Vaccination can protect against future infections by training the immune system
  • Vaccination involves injecting small amounts of dead or weakened pathogens to teach the immune system how to deal with them
  • If you have a low lod of white blood cells, you'll be more susceptible to infections
  • Phagocytosis
    The process by which a cell engulfs and digests a particle or microorganism