Cards (3)

  • Self-disclosure refers to revealing personal information about yourself. We share our likes and dislikes and our interests and attitudes. This allows us to understand out partner better, and them us. Self-disclosure plays a vital role in a relationship beyond initial attraction.
  • Social penetration theory:
    • It is the gradual process of revealing yourself to someone and revealing inner self, feelings and deep secrets
    • Once one partner discloses something personal, they are signalling they trust their partner
    • In order for the person to disclose more, the other partner must also reveal sensitive information about themselves (reciprocal exchange)
    • As they increasingly disclose more and more and reciprocate self-disclosure, they gain a deeper understanding of one another, and the romantic relationship deepens which increases attraction
  • Breadth and Depth of disclosure:
    • As breadth (amount) and depth (how personal the information is) increase, the couple become more committed to each other
    • At the beginning of a relationship, we reveal low risk information that could be revealed to anyone, e.g. friends or family. If too much deep and personal information is revealed too early on in a romantic relationship, it can threaten the relationship's development
    • Eventually in a committed relationship, people disclose high risk/intimate information, e.g. painful memories that help to build trust