Genetic predisposition

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  • ASD often runs in families
  • Szatman
    combined data from various studies and calculated an overall sibling risk
    The risk was 2.2% compared to 0.11% for someone with no siblings with ASD
    20 times greater
  • Bailey et al

    studied data from British twin study,focusing on twins where one had ASD
    In MZ twins,60% both had autism,concordance rate for DZ twins was 0%
  • When looking at a broader definition,concordance rate was 92% for MZ twins and 10% for DZ twins
  • Ronald et al

    looked at TEDS examining 3000 sets of twins
    Social characteristics are influenced by genetics,81-86% variation being attributed to genetic factors
  • Bernier et al

    some families only have 1 member with ASD(simplex) others have multiple members with ASD or traits that have not be diagnosed(multiplex)
  • In multiplex families ASD is likely inherited but in simplex families the cause is classed as 'de novo'.Meaning its a new mutation that happened during fertilisation.The mutation affects multiple genes
  • Sebat et al
    10% of ASD cases are caused by de novo CNVS
  • de novo CNVS occur when parents are older,age is a risk factor for simplex ASD
  • Non-syndromic ASD is where its the main or only diagnosis without a clear cause
  • Syndromic ASD is when it accompanies another primary condition with a know single gene gentic cause
  • Example of syndromic is fragile X syndrome(FXS),a mutation in the FMR1 gene
  • Zingerevich et al
    60% of the individuals also have ASD