the plants of the tropical rainforest include many of the things we eat, such as cocoa, sugar and bananas, cinnamon, vanilla and many other spices
useful products like rubber, rope and baskets are made from rainforest plants
some of the chemicals from rainforest leaves, flowers and seeds are used to make perfumes, soaps, polishes and chewing gum
traditional subsistence farming is about harvesting the goods the rainforest grows and provides, including wild meat and fish, buildingmaterials and water
20% of the worlds freshwater comes from the amazon basin alone
the rainforest provides the basin of many of todays modern medicines
indigenous tribes have always used plant parts, such as bark, resins, roots and leaves to cure many illnesses
currently, over 120prescriptiondrugs sold worldwide come from rainforest plants
25% of the drugs used just in the developedworld are derived from rainforest ingredients, 37% in the USA, yet less than 1% of rainforest plants have actually been tested by scientists
currently, 25% of the active ingredients in cancerfightingdrugs come from organisms only found in the tropical rainforest and scientists widely believe that there may be a cure for cancer in the plants of the rainforest
in 1980, there were no pharmaceutical companies researching for possible new cures- today there are over 100, therefore the plants need to be used in a sustainable way