Cards (12)

  • minerals are naturally formed solid elements or compounds having a crystalline structure
  • mineralogy is the science that deals with the identification and classification of compounds
  • hardness is the resistance of a mineral to being scratched
  • moh's scale of hardness refers to the relative hardness of minerals
  • according to moh's scale of hardness, diamond is the hardest mineral while talc is the least hard.
  • weathering is the process of breaking down of rocks into smaller particles to become soil
  • mechanical weathering is the physical disintegration of rocks; no transport
  • frost wedging is when water expands when it freeezes, causing the rocks to crack
  • thermal expansion and contraction is the heating and cooling of rocks
  • mechanical exfoliation is the result of the expansion of rocks as they break apart in layers parallel to the earth's surface
  • chemical weathering is the disintegration of rocks by chemical means. one example of this is oxidation
  • erosion is the transportation of rock masses from one place to another