Allocative Efficiency

Cards (5)

  • Whilst rational, self-interested consumers strive to maximise their utility and producers maximise their profits, governments seek to achieve the goals of:
    • Efficiency
    • Equity
  • Society experiences allocative efficiency when the sum total of the society's utility is maximum. This occurs only when a certain combination of goods and services are allocated to people who value them the most is acheived.
  • Socially optimal level of output occurs when the:
    Marginal Social Benefit = Marginal Social Cost
  • In perfectly competitive markets, and assuming perfect information and absence of externalities,
    • Demand = MSB
    • Supply = MSC
  • In a free market output:
    A) Price / Benefit / Cost
    B) Quantity
    C) MSB
    D) MSC
    E) Socially-optimal output