The use of increasingly greater amounts of the drug to experience the same effect (tolerance) and a negative physical response when the substance is no longer ingested (withdrawal)
Organic brain syndromes from long-term alcohol use
Dementia and Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (Confusion, loss of muscle coordination, and unintelligible speech, believed to be caused by a deficiency of thiamine)
Most common is "LSD" produced synthetically in the laboratory, others include psilocybin (mushroom), lysergic acid amide (seeds of morning glory plant), dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and mescaline
Natural chemicals in the opium poppy that have narcotic effect (relieves pain and induce sleep), includes natural opiates, synthetic variation, and the comparable substances that occur naturally in the brain, also includes Heroin
Being depressed increases your risk of becoming dependent on nicotine and, at the same time, being dependent will increase your risk of becoming depressed
The symptoms of an alcohol-induced mental disorder are likely to remain clinically relevant as long as the individual continues to experience severe intoxication or withdrawal