Cards (10)

  • Equity refers to a fair or a just distribution of economic welfare, which as a concept requires a value judgement.
  • Equity is a normative concept and cannot be measured using some objective indicator.
  • The Lorenz curve shows the actual money income distribution, where the difference between perfect money income equality and the curve is the inequality gap.
  • The graph of actual money income distribution:
    A) Income
    B) Households
    C) Perfect Equality
    D) Lorenz Curve
  • Gini Coefficient of Inequality = A / ( A + B )
  • The greater the income inequality associated with a nation, the higher the number of its Gini coefficient.
  • Causes of Income Inequality:
    • Inequality of wealth
    • Differences in ability
    • Differences in hours worked
  • Causes of Growing Income Inequality:
    • Technological advancement
    • Globalisation
  • Problems caused by Income Inequality:
    • Low rates of economic growth
    • Social injustice
  • Benefits of Income Inequality:
    • More productive workforce
    • Technological advancements