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    • Research to support filter theory was conducted by Kerchkoff and Davis. They conducted a longitudinal study using questionnaires to assess similarity in attitudes and complementarity. Relationship closeness was measured 7 months later. It was found that closeness was associated with similarity of values for couples who had been together for less than 18 months. In longer relationships complementarity predicted closeness. Supporting filter theory as it provides evidence that similarity is important earlier in a relationship whereas complementarity is more important later on.
    • Moreover, the theory can be criticised for lacking temporal validity as this theory was created in 1962. Since then there has been a rise of online dating which has changed the process of the beginning a romantic relationship. Some would argue it has reduced the importance of some social demographic variables, such as geographical location. Applications such as Tinder and have made meeting potential partners easier than ever. Therefore, filter theory may not be as appropriate in modern society as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships.
    • One limitation of complementarity in filter theory is that it may not apply to all types of relationships. Filter theory suggests that satisfaction in long-term relationship is linked to complementarity of needs. However, research has found that lesbian couples who reported equal dominance in their long-term relationships (4 ½ years) were the most satisfied. Therefore, lowering the validity of complementarity in filter theory as an explanation of factors affecting attraction as a similarity of needs may be a better predictor of attraction and long-term relationship satisfaction.