Measured tv viewing hours in over 1000 New Zealanders in regular intervals up to 26 yrs old.
Time spent watching tv in adolescence was a predictor of aggressive behaviour in adulthood
Tv viewing = poorer social interaction and educational achievement
Violent Film Content
Bandura et al
Children watched a film of an adult behaving aggressively towards a bobo doll
The behaviour was imitated by the child
TV/Film effects not strong
Paik and Comstock
Meta analysis of 200 studies found a positive correlation between viewing tv/film violence and antisocial behaviour
But, they said that it only really accounts for 1-10% of variance in children's aggressive behaviour.
Computer Games
Said to have more powerful effects because:
Player takes an active role
Game-playing is more directly rewarding for player
Computer Games : Research
Bartholow and Anderson
Students played either a violent or non-violent game for 10 minutes
Then carried out the TCRTT to deliver blasts of white noise to punish a opponent.
Found those who played the violent game gave higher noise levels
Eval : Weakness
Ferguson and Kilburn found that in studied where aggression was measured, the link between media violence exposure and aggression was almost zero. This shows that there is a lack of support. and the link is not as strong as had been claimed.
Eval : Weakness
Aggression can be defined in various ways, in the research the DV varies from blasting white noise to criminal convictions. All violence is aggression but not all aggression is violence, or criminal. Suggests that studies are hard to compare.