HK second new wave

Cards (17)

  • Began in the 1970s
  • Movies in this era focused on crime, violence and a loss of innocence.
  • They were strongly dominated by martial arts cinema.
  • They experimented with character types
  • They had a bigger presence of romance and new level of maturity
  • Filmmakers had more creative freeedom.
  • Movies made during this period were highly influenced by Hollywood, and were experimental, exploring genres and themes other than Kung Fu.
  • Why was the second wave influenced by western culture?
    It consisted of filmmakers and directors who were educated abroad.
  • What did films made during this period utilize?
    New technology and techniques.
    They were not made for commercial purposes alone.
    Film was a social medium mirroring social and political issues, such as the vietnam war and the cultural revolution.
  • 'this is what the difference is between Hong Kong and Chinese cinema. Chinese Cinema was made for their communities, and for propaganda.
    But Hong Kong made films to entertain and they know how to communicate with international audiences.'
    Wong Kar Wai
  • What did second wave movies represent Hong Kong as?
    Fast-paced modern metropolitan, culturally accepting place where people with different backgrounds lived and worked in harmony.
    Characters in the movies spoke mandarin, cantonese and english: signifying Hong Kong as one of the most liberal societies in Asia.
  • Late 80s / early 90s
  • Touching romantic films of WKW
  • Familiar yet exciting new feel
  • 'Hong Kong made films to entertain, and they know how to communicate with international audiences.' WKW
  • Hong Kong before New Wave
    Kung Fu action flicks produced by studio system
  • Fallen Angles - using the lens of love, crime and food