Theory of Mind

Cards (11)

  • Theory of Mind?

    recognition that other people knowledge and beliefs differ form own. our personal understanding of what other people think and feel
  • Andre Meltzoff?

    children 18 months. observed adult placing beads in a jar. in the experimental condition the adults appeared to be struggling, in controlled- adults placed beads in jar successfully.
  • Meltzoff findings?
    when tested in both conditions toddlers placed beads in jar successfully. suggests toddler were imitating what the adults indented to do.
  • wimmer and Perner- findings?
    3ys said- maxi will look in green cupboard. 4yrs said blue cupboard demonstrating TOM.
  • Sally- anne?
    2 dolls. sally places marble in her basket when sally isnt looking anne moves marble to her box.
  • importance?

    empathise and others POV. struggle with communication without it. Baron-Cohen explored links b/w TOM deficits and ASD
  • ASD?

    a person with diagnosed ASD if they: persistent deficits in social communications. at least 2 repetitive patterns of behaviours.
  • TOM for ASD?
    Baron- Cohen et al (1985)- used sally- Anne test With 20 ASD (12) and a control group of 14 down syndrome. and 27 normal.
  • TOM for ASD- Findings?
    85% of control conditions correctly identified where Sally would look. 20% of ASD group could correctly identify.
  • TOM for ASD - Weaknesses?
    cause and effect. incomplete explanation- some austic patients were succesfull in sally anne. validity of sally ana- not just testing TOM aslo testing memory.
  • TOM for ASD - strengths?
    able to explain psychological observations. that children with autism have difficulties engaging in pretend play like normal children. Liu et al - found similarities in development of ToM in US and chinese children suggesting same role for innate factors.