Cards (14)

  • eye of the beholder
    drugs cannot cure them but individuals may be helped by those who respect and understand them
    psychiatrists must protect the patient from themselves and protect society from them
    the behaviours we call illness is a result of medicalisation of behaviours
    those with mental illness are deprived of liberty and responsibility
    mental illness is a myth
  • changing perspective
    the old religious and humanistic perspective on the tragic nature of life has been replaced by a modern one
    the secularisation of everyday life and the medicalisation of the soul and personal suffering began in the late 16th century
  • medical or logical
    insisted that mental hospitals are like prisons not medical care and psychiatrists are judges not healers
    traditional psychiatric perspective of interpreting mental illness and the psychiatric responses should be rejected
    mental illness is a claim and concept defined by political, economic criteria
  • fifty years of change
    • not the governments responsibility
    • thought to be incurable
    • confined to mental hospitals
    • governments responsibility
    • mental health workers are now legally responsible for their patients
  • individual or patient
    psychiatry identifies them as sick patients who need treatments
    coercing and controlling persons by forced is authorised and mandated by the government which people accept
    bleuler - asked for the recognition of schizophrenics to define and control their own lives but was ignored
    the medicalisation of the longing for non existence led to the creation of the pseudoscience of suicidology
  • nature / biological / individual
    CN - faulty neural circuits eg temporal frontal circuit = positive symptoms and sepo-hippocampal = negative symptoms
    C - internal mental processes = firth - schizophrenia - no filtering of irrelevant information
  • nurture / environmental / situational
    based on political agenda - eye of the beholder - individuals to determine their level of distress
    behaviourism - schizophrenia is determined by a lack of reinforcement
  • reductionist
    CN - reduces mental illness to its simplest form - abnormal neural activity
    B - mental illness is learned through childhood reinforcement and punishment
  • holism
    szasz - must look at the whole person rather than a list of symptoms = all experiences and behaviour
  • socially sensitive
    IS NOT - positive impact = explanations impact treatment such as CBT which reduces symptoms
    IS - szasz can cause distress by arguing that mental illness is a myth = patients may be upset if they think they are suffering from something
    IS = szasz - can lead to negative views on psychiatry
  • useful
    IS - treatments
    IS - szasz exposed the politicisation of mental illness (ADHD/homosexuality) = encourages personal liberty, choice and limits psychiatry
    IS NOT = szazs - mental illness is not real but provides alternatives - negative wards to psychiatry
  • reliability
    fMRI scans - Kupererg on temporal prefrontal neural circuit
    low test retest - 33% overlap in results of two scans taken one hour apart Bennetts 2010 review
  • validity
    not an official study just szasz opinion
    not based on empirical evidence
    high validity - evidence supports the explanation of mental illness
  • ethnocentric
    culturally specific - szasz politicisation of mental illness = perceptions affected by the dominating political party
    fernando - language referring to mental illness is western