Bowlby suggested that early difficulties in attachment leads to poor internal working models which leads to emotional troubles later on in life
This can lead to poor psychological health in the future which is linked to forming parasocial relationships
Insecure resistant attachment in childhood
Seek to have unfulfilled needs met in adult relationships (inconsistent care in early life)
These individuals have a need for close emotional relationships and parasocial ones do not bring a fear of rejection, break up and disappointment that real relationships do
More likely to form parasocial relationships
Secure attachment in childhood:
Can develop loving two-way relationships in real face-to-face relationships
Have little need for parasocial relationships
Insecure avoidant attachment in childhood:
Have difficulty trusting others
Indulge in behaviours designed not to create intimacy, therefore are less likely to foster close emotional ties in either face-to-face or parasocial relationships