Human Nervous system

Cards (17)

  • What is the function of the nervous system?
    The nervous system allows the body to react to its surroundings and coordinate an
    appropriate response
  • How does a stimulus lead to a response being carried out by the body?
    • Stimulus is converted into an electrical impulse by the receptors.
    • The electrical impulse passes along sensory neurones to the central nervous system (CNS).
    • The CNS coordinates an appropriate response and an electrical impulse is sent along motor neurones to the effector, which carries out the response.
  • What sequence of events describes how the nervous system works?
    Stimulusreceptor → sensory → CNS → motor → effector → response
  • What is a reflex action?
    A reflex action is an automatic and rapid response which does not involve any conscious input from the brain
  • Why are reflex actions important?
    Reflex actions aid survival by preventing harm to the body.
  • Describe how a reflex action occurs via a reflex arc
    • The stimulus is detected by a receptor.
    • An electrical impulse passes along a sensory neurone to the spinal cord (part of the CNS).
    • At a synapse between a sensory neurone and a relay neurone, a chemical diffuses across the gap and stimulates a new impulse which passes along the relay neurone.
    • The same process occurs at a synapse between a relay neurone and a motor neurone.
    • At the effector, an appropriate response is carried out
  • What is the difference between a reflex pathway and a conscious pathway?
    Within a reflex pathway, the coordination centre is a relay neurone found in the spinal cord/unconscious parts of the brain. In a conscious pathway, the coordination centre is in the conscious part of the brain.
  • What is the function of the cerebral cortex? (TRIPLE)
    controls consciousness, intelligence, memory and language.
  • What is the function of the cerebellum?(TRIPLE)
    controls muscular coordination
  • The brain (TRIPLE)
    What is A - cerebellum
    What is B - medulla
    What is C - cerebral cortex
  • What is the function of the medulla? (TRIPLE)

    controls unconscious activities eg. breathing, heart rate
  • Why is the investigation and treatment of the brain difficult? (HIGHER AND TRIPLE)
    • The brain is a complex and delicate organ.
    • The brain is easily damaged and destroyed.
    • Certain membranes prevent drugs from reaching the brain.
    • The exact function of each part of the brain is not known.
  • What methods are used by scientists to determine brain function? (HIGHER AND TRIPLE)
    • Studying patients with brain damage
    • Electrical stimulation of the brain
    • MRI scans
  • What stimuli are the receptors of the eye sensitive to? (TRIPLE)
    Light intensity and colour
  • What are the two main functions of structures found within the eye? (TRIPLE)
    • Focusing on near or distant objects - accommodation.
    • Adaptation to dim light
  • Describe the structure and function of the retina (TRIPLE)
    F - The retina is a light-sensitive layer found at the back of the
    Light stimulates the retinal cells, resulting in impulses being sent to the brain.
  • The eye (TRIPLE)
    A - cornea
    B - iris
    C - ciliary muscles
    D - lens
    E - suspensory ligaments
    F - retina
    G - optic nerve
    H - sclera