Why was there conflict between England and Spain

Cards (7)

  • Changes made during Elizabeth's reign to the ships
    1. Having cannons on carriages to have a faster rate of fire
    2. Using the sextant to increase accuracy in measuring where you were far from the stars
  • Lateen sail
    A new type of triangular sail that meant there could be faster and more maneuverable ships in battle
  • English navy
    • Preferred raids over direct battles
    • English ships were small and easy to turn, meaning it was easier to hit and run than stand and face off the much bigger Spanish ships
  • Francis Drake
    • Raided Cadiz in 1587, destroying many Spanish ships and taking lots of gold
  • Fireships
    Old or captured ships that were set on fire and sent into a fleet or harbour causing chaos and damage
  • Line of battle tactic

    Ships created a single line and fired at the enemy until the ships sank
  • Why England and Spain went to war
    • Elizabeth rejected his marriage proposal
    • Protestant vs Catholic
    • Piracy - Elizabeth raided Spanish ships
    • Elizabeth sent troops to help the Netherlands' rebellion
    • Francis Drake sank Spanish ships