AO1 and AO2

Subdecks (1)

Cards (13)

  • the aim of skinners box is to test if behaviour of animals is more likely to be repeated if followed by pleasant consequences
  • the box contained a food dispenser which allowed food pellets to be given to animals there was also a lever
  • before learning took place rats were put in the box for short periods of time to get used to it
  • food they received were rationed
  • found that rats had investigatory behaviour when put in box
  • found that the rats that were in the box for an hour would take 9 mins and 45s on average to find the lever
  • found that by the end of the hour they pressed the lever on average every 16s
  • concluded that positive reinforcement strengthens behaviour throug providing a reward
  • concluded that negative rienforcement strengthens behaviour with the removal of something unpleasant