Cards (4)

  • a strength is that the behaviourist approach is based on well controlled research. They focus on the measurement of observable behaviour in highly controlled settings which is done by Skinner and Pavlov.They removed any possible extraneous variables so they can allow for cause and effect relationships. This suggests that behaviourist experiments have scientific credibility
  • a weakness of well controlled research is that it oversimplifies the learning process so the behaviourist approach is reductionist. By doing this they ignore other important influences on learning such as biological, social and environmental influences. Other approaches such as SLT and cognitive approach have drawn attention to the mental processes involved during learning
  • a strength is that there is real world application such as the token economy system. It is when classical conditioning is used to rienforce positive behaviour in systems such as schools and prisons. this increases the value of the behaviourist approach because it has widespread application
  • a weakness is that it seems all behaviours as conditioned by past conditioning experiences. Skinners suggest that everything we do is the sum of our reinforced history and that out past conditioning history determines the outcome. This ignores any possible influence or free will on behaviour