Cards (15)

  • aim of the study was it investigate if social behaviour can be acquired by observation and imitation
  • was a lab experiment
  • an aggressive model was shown to 24 children
  • a non-aggressive model was shown to 24 children
  • then there was no model shown to 24 children
  • the children were then put in a playroom to see what behaviours they would do towards the bobo doll
  • bandura found that those who observed the aggressive model made more immative responses than those who watched the non-aggressive model
  • found that boys were more physically aggressive than girls but there was little difference with verbal aggression
  • boys were more likely to immitate same sex models that girls
  • came to the conclusion that children are able to learn social behaviour such as aggression through process of observational learning
  • one of the assumptions to SLT is that behaviour is learned from experience, observation and imitation of others
  • another assumption of SLT is that learning also occurs directly through operant and classical conditioning but also indirectly through vicarious rienforcement
  • theory says you pay more attention to certain people in your environment and they become your models and they tend to be those who are important to you
  • what are the 4 factors that determine if you copy behaviour?
    attention, remember, motivated, skills
  • what is vicarious rienforcement?
    when we observe someone else being positively or negatively rienforced for behaving in a certain way which makes us want to imitate others behaviour to receive praise