Cards (5)

  • overview of migrant corridor
    corridor originated under french colonial policy to develop BF as a labour reserve to supply IC for agricultural and transport projects
  • push factors of BF
    low income - GDP of $684
  • pull factors of IC
    short migration as IC borders BF
    IC has double GDP of BF
    employment opportunities - IC is worlds largest exported of cocoa
    more fertile land - opportunities for migrant farmers
    shared language as both former french colonies
  • demographics of BF to IC migration
    2013 - 560k ivorians in BF due to conflict in IC
    2013 - emigrants from IC contributed $385 million in remittances, with biggest proportions being from BF
    2011 - 3 million migrants from BF working in IC
    90% of migrants search for paid work to aid families - migration seen as household survival strategy
  • effects and problems of BF and IC migrant corridor
    effects on poverty due to
    • unstable remittance transfers
    • local economic and subsistence activities abandoned
    • reliance on imported products with fluctuating prices
    corridor described as international class relation as truly benefits only small capitalist elite
    agricultural production submitted to world prices and societies in both countries held back in development
    child labour and trafficking is common