Cards (6)

  • overview of myanmar to thailand migrant corridor
    largest ASEAN migrant corridor involving 1.9million migrants
  • push factors of myanmar
    forced labour in government development projects
    conflict - 1988 political unrest meant increased migrant outflow
  • pull factors of thailand
    fastest growing economy in southeast asia
    labour shortages for thailand in agriculture, manufacturing and construction
    minimum wage in thailand is 10x that of myanmar
  • key policies impacting myanmar to thailand migrant corridor
    2000s - thailand launched long term policy aiming to recruit formal migrants
    2003 - thailand and myanmar signed a memorandum of understanding meaning Thailand would be able to import myanmar workers via official channels
    myanmar lacked comprehensive and holistic migration policy and management body up to 2010 - new govt implemented policies and focuses on migrant protection and addressing education of migrant children etc
  • demographics of myanmar to thailand migrant corridor
    2012 - 90k migrants with temporary work permits in thailand construction, 84k in agriculture
    myanmar migrants compose 80% of thailands foreign migrant population
    2014 - thailand total migrant population of 2.3 million with 1.7 million from myanmar
    estimated 200,000 second generation migrants (children)
  • effects / problems of myanmar to thailand migrant flow
    myanmar government controlled remittances via taking 10% service fee however this resulted in informal banking channels emerging
    predicted labour shortage of over 5 million people in thailand in next decade as many myanmar migrants express wishes to return