Cards (3)

  • pakistan overview
    lower middle income country
    population of 212 million in 2020 - 64% under 30
    GDP per capita of $1500
  • pakistan EMIGRATION policy overview
    8 million pakistanis working abroad and 96% of these are in Gulf Cooperation countries
    2017 - migrant remittances accounted to $20 billion
    key policy = Pakistan National Emigration Policy which aims to promote emigration and safeguard migrants
  • requirements of Pakistan National Emigration Policy
    ratification of International Labour organisation and UN conventions regarding rights of workers and protection of basic human rights
    promotion of export of pakistani manpower abroad
    positive steps to encourage female participation in overseas employment
    support for social networks and associations abroad
    establishment of training institutions to help pakistani youth in preparation for working abroad
    enhancement of impact of economic remittances and skills of returning migrants for development