USA - unequal flows

Cards (14)

  • overview of USA
    population of 340 million (2023)
    AC with GDP of $24 trillion in 2021
    2020 - 0.2% of population below $2.15 a day
  • usa - patterns of immigration
    2021 = 340,000 refugees
    foreign born population doubling from 20 million in 1990 to over 45 million in 2015
    2022 net migration rate = 3 per 1000 vs 0.83 in 2017
  • main countries of origin - usa immigration
    mexico - 107,000
    india - 93,000
    dominican republic
  • USA key pull factors
    economic and work opportunities
    family reunification
    better education system
    low levels of poverty
    positive immigration policy and possibility of obtaining green card
    wage differentials and opportunity to send remittances
  • usa emigration patterns
    american emigration to europe = 3.6million in 2005 and 5million in 2019
    americans emigrating = 30 million in 2005 and 40 million in 2019
  • main destination countries - usa emigration
    puerto rico
  • causes of emigration from USA
    return of migrants
    number of highly skilled workers have migration to countries with political, economic and historical ties
  • social interdependence between usa and mexico
    each of 2 countries have largest diasporas living in eachother = growing social and cultural connectivity
  • economic interdependence between usa and mexico
    since formation of NAFTA, trade between usa and mexico grown significantly
    reciprocal merchandise accounts for US $1.4 billion a day
    mexican industry benefits - development of aerospace and IT sectors boosted from US FDI
    low skilled mexicans contribute to US economy by working in agriculture, construction and low paid services
    wages higher in US providing opportunities for remittances = $25 billion in 2015
  • political interdependence between usa and mexico
    political power relations remain imbalanced but increasingly there has been co-ordination and co-operation over issues in common
    includes border security, drug trade, human trafficking and environmental issues such as water scarcity
  • environmental interdependence between usa and mexico
    joint management of colorado river basin and sonoran desert
  • USA migration policy
    governed by Immigration and Nationality Act
    allows US to grant 675k permanent VISAs
    INA sets no limit on annual admissions of US citizens' family members
    principles making up migration policy
    • reunification of families
    • admitting immigrations with skills valuable to economy
    • protecting refugees
    • promoting diversity
    • humanitarian relief
  • usa - opportunities
    immigrant populations take many low paid jobs which native born americans find unattractive - 2018 main employment of mexicans was in services
    US immigration policy also aims to attract highly skilled and well qualified professionals
    most immigrants to USA are young workers = economic and social benefit via contributing to tax base and increasing birth rate
    immigrants are consumers helping job creation and business start ups, generating wealth
  • usa - challenges of migration
    estimated 11 million unauthorised immigrants live in USA
    uneven progress in integration of migrant groups into society, depending on size and diversity of groups and factors such as language, socio-economic attainment, political participation etc. size of unauthorised population also barrier to social cohesion and full economic/political integration
    where immigrant populations are concentrated and numerous, supply of resources and services have become an issue - e.g., addition in water demand in southern california