Aversion therapy

Cards (3)

  • > Aim - The idea of the therapy is to use the principles of classical conditioning in order to change the pleasurable association with the addictive substance/ behaviour and replace it with an unpleasant association in a vivo experience
  • Nicotine addiction
    > Rapid smoking
    > Individuals will sit alone in a room taking a puff of a cigarette every 6 seconds
    > They will begin to feel sick and start to associate this feeling to smoking.
    > This is repeated until the individual develops an aversion to smoking, thus reducing addiction
    • ucs - rapid smoking
    • ucr - nausea
    • ns/ cs - cigarettes
    • cr - nausea
  • Gambling addiction
    > Electric shocks have been used for some behavioural addictions such a gambling
    > Shocks used do not cause permanent damage, but they are meant to avert people from gambling and therefore do cause pain
    > The addicted gambler thinks of phrases that relate to gambing