Media: Short term factors affecting vote behviour

Cards (40)

  • Opinion Polls

    Ask sample of people how vote
  • Opinion polls
    Parties take notes of polling firms findings, and conduct own pols
  • Opinion polls
    Been feature since 1940 when carried out by Gallup and it was accurate
  • Opinion polls
    2017, polls not accurate - showed Cons in lead by 5% and 12% but they actually barely 2% ahead of Labour and there was hung parliament
    Every poll put Cons being first which was right
    Polls accurate about Cons and Lib Dem shares
    All got Lab wrong
    Overestimated UKIP and SNP
  • Opinion Polls
    2015 election, polls predicted close race
    Allowed Cons to warn against Labour-SNP coalition
    Increased likelihood of Miliband becoming PM made Cons voters turnout
  • Opinion polls
    Controversial as not accurate
  • Opinion Polls
    Shy Tories - people who intended to vote Cons but didnt want to say in public as Cons seen as uncaring
    (Explanation to Major)
  • Opinion polls
    In 1992 failed to predict Jon Major 21 seat victory
    Most predicted hug parliament/ Labour victory
  • Opinion polls
    Polling firms adjusted way pick sample and use phone polls now
  • Opinion polls
    Boomerang effect - as polls shown Labour in lead early in campaign caused voters who didnt want Labour to turnout
    (explain why didnt predict Major)
  • Television
    News channel al held leadership debates overseen by electoral commission
    2010, 9.6 million watch
    2015 7 mil watch
  • TV
    Survey found that 62% people said TV strongest influence in helping them form opinion in run up to 2015 election
    25% sed newspaper
  • TV
    2017 Theresa May decision not to attend TV debates made her weak as she cudn't reply to people mockery of her
  • TV
    Still dominates media coverage of election
    Most important way voters obtain political info
  • TV
    Relentless negative coverage of Corbyn's personality and policies
    Stopped him becoming established with people
  • TV
    Not clear leadership debates have any impact on voters
    E.g. Clegg had a boost in polls due to debate performance but didnt matter as only got 23% of vote
    Cudve helped in coalition govt
  • TV
    2010 decision to give Clegg same platform as Brown and Cameron boosted Lib Dem platform esp when both sed I agree with Nick
    Boosted Lib Dem campaign
  • Press
    Leaders more conscience of projecting favourable media image
    Seek control of news agenda
  • Press
    Tony Blair spin doctor Alistair Campbell
    Portray good image of Blair
  • Press
    Switch sides depending on their own interests and winning govt
  • Press
    E.g. Sun switched to Con - Thatcher sed shell be harder on trade unions
    In line with business interest
  • Press
    E.g. 1997 switched to Lab to support Blair as he winning party
  • Press
    Newspapers reinforce existing views
    e.g. Murdoch sed reflect readers opinions and dont swing votes
    e.g. 2007 election many came out against SNP but they still won
  • Press
    2017, newspapers came out against Corbyn but his vote increased by 9.6%
  • Press
    SUN WOT WON IT, after Sun only predicted Majors suprise victory
  • Press
    Correlation between newspaper preferences and readers vote
  • Press
    Most newspapers support Cons
    2 largest tabloids, Sun and Daily Mail support Cons
  • Press
    Newspapers highly politiscised
  • Social Media
    2015 general election Cons won suprise victory after spending £1.5 mil on social media
  • Social Media
    Female politicians report death threats among others
  • Social Media
    Rise of fake news
  • Social Media
    Blamed for increase in political polarisation
    Political news/views we see reinforce existing views
    Less open to new ideas
  • Social Media
    Bubbles can be misleading
    2015, #milifandom gave inaccurate representation of leaders popularity
  • Social Media
    2016 Vote Leave campaign success due to small emotive messages
  • Social Media
    Allow people to talk about issues that matter to them
    Twitter aided Arab Spring wave of pro-democracy protests that swept Middle East and North Africa 2010-2012
  • Social Media
    Pressure grps use clicktivism to get supporters allow people to grow own campaign
  • Social Media
    Trump controversial tweets won him free TV coverage
    Overturned of previous assumptions of need for carefully crafted and moderate public image
  • Social Media
    Obama used social media to propel him to first victory in 2008
  • Social Media
    Allows populist leaders to bypass hostile traditional media
  • Social Media
    Used to talk directly to people