
Subdecks (1)

Cards (73)

  • Monopoly
    A situation where there is one dominant seller in the market (lack of high competition)
  • Monopolists
    • Google
    • Facebook (60%)
    • Intel (chip manufacturer – 80%)
  • Pure monopoly
    A market supplied by just one producer
  • Legal monopoly
    One firm has more than 25% of a market share
  • Local monopoly
    One firm supplies an entire local market
  • Natural monopoly
    It is more efficient if just one firm supplies all consumers like rail travel, water and electricity providers
  • Natural monopolies can serve at a lower cost than would be possible if market was composed of many smaller firms due to very high fixed costs
  • Consumers may benefit from natural monopolies as costs will be lower than if there were many firms competing in the industry
  • Monopoly
    • One business dominates the market
    • Unique product: highly differentiated – the only one available – no other choice for the consumer
    • Price-maker: able to set the price charged in the whole market
  • Barriers to entry
    • Legal barriers: exclude competition legally
    • Patent: license that grants permission to operate as a sole producer of a newly designed product
    • Marketing budgets: strong brand names – difficult for other to compete
    • Technology: access to complex or up-to-date technology
    • High start–up costs: too high initial cost to compete existing operators