AFGHANISTAN - strategies for global governance

Cards (20)

  • afghanisation overview
    landlocked country in southwest asia
    long period of political instability and armed conflict
    taliban in control on 90% of country before 2001
  • human rights issues in afghanisation
    high number of casualties `
    high level of gender inequality
    restricted social economic development
    population displacement
    continued violation of womens rights
    children deprived of basic rights
    widespread food insecurity
    attacks on journalists and human rights defenders
    threats to democracy
  • human rights issues in afghanisation 
- high number of casualties
    by 2019 - 45,000 members of afghan security forced killed, plus 3500 coalition forces
    UN - 32,000 afghan civilians and 42000 opposition fighters
  • human rights issues in afghanisation 
- high levels of gender inequality

    ranks 153rd out of 189 countries in gender inequality income
    • high MMR at 638
    • high adolescent birth rate
    • only 12% of women with at least some secondary education
    • only 20% of women in labour force
  • human rights issues in afghanisation 
- restricted socio economic development

    168 out of 189 countries in terms of HDI
    • low life expectancy at 53 years
    • low number of mean years schooling = 3.8
    • low per capita GDP
    • 55% of population living below poverty line of less than $2 a day
  • human rights issues in afghanisation 
- population displacement
    1.7 million internally displaced people and many more have migration abroad
  • human rights issues in afghanisation - continued violation of womens rights

    2018 - OHCHR revealed 87% of women endure physical, sexual or emotional violence and rarely receive justice when reported
  • human rights issues in afghanisation - children deprived of basic rights

    UNICEF - improvements in access to health services and education but millions are still deprived of basic rights to survival, health, play, participate and grow and reach their full potential
  • human rights issues in afghanisation 
- widespread food insecurity
    impact of conflict, population movements, rapid urbanisation and severe drought have presented challenges to food production and supply
  • contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales - THE UN
    aims of UN assistance mission in afghanistan are to work with and support government, support progress of peace and reconciliation, monitor and promote human rights and protect civilians and more
    UN agencies in afghanistan include
    • OHCHR works with UNAMA promoting rights to food, shelter, livelihood, health, education etc
    • UNICEF promotes and protects rights of women and children
    • UNDP works in close partnership with government
    • UN world food programme has role in terms of food security within country
  • contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales - THE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT and protection and promotion of human rights 

    established Afghan Independent Human rights commission which works closely with UNAMA in implementation of Elimination of Violence against Women Law.
    ratified treaties including CEDAW requiring gender equality in access to education, health care and political participation , convention of rights of the child etc
  • contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales - THE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT and womens access to justice

    OCHR reports positive engagements with afghan government to comply with international standards, promote accountability and rule of law
    e.g., more efforts to address violence against women and girls and to recruit more female prosecutors and judges
  • contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales - THE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT and socio-economic development
    member of Economic Cooperation Organisation and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation allowing free trade and promoting economic growth
    afghan government also working in partnership with EU and UNCTAD to improve trade and development
  • contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales - THE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT and working with international organisations
    education, womens affairs, economy and rural rehabilitation and development are government ministries which aim to promote and protect human rights
    work in partnership with UN agencies, NATO and NGOS to develop
  • contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales - AFGHANAID (NGO)

    operates at most provinces with focus on some of poorest and most remote communities
    aim is for long term development based on resolving human rights issues such as food security, womens rights etc
  • benefits of global governance of human rights for RURAL COMMUNITIES
    UNICEF promotes rural development by
    • promoting community based schools and accelerated learning centres protecting children from child marriage, corporal punishment, domestic abuse and child labour
    • providing safe havens for children affected by conflict
    • preventing recruitment of children into armed groups
    • providing mobile health teams to vaccinate children and provide maternity services
    • advising on nutrition to reduce malnutrition
    • improving fresh water supply and sanitation
  • benefits of global governance of human rights for RURAL COMMUNITIES
    UNDP = sustaining rural development projects
    • improving local democracy
    • appointed nearly all rural areas a District Development Assembly, elected by the people
    • legitimate, accountable, local governing bodies developing service requirements such as education and water which best suit their community
  • benefits of global governance of human rights for RURAL COMMUNITIES
    USAID agricultural programme
    • aims to improve food security
    • increased agricultural productvitiy
    • rural employment
    • family incomes
  • benefits of global governance of human rights for RURAL COMMUNITIES
    UN world food programme
    • providing nutritious food and support for small holder families
    • coordination of UN, NGO's and government departments make reaching mountainous regions such as Ghor province easier
  • benefits of global governance of human rights for URBAN COMMUNITIES
    • working to coordinate afghan government, local governments, community councils and funding from japanese government to upgrade neighbourhoods
    • based on election of community development councils involving 200-250 households
    • CDCs are locally elected - 50% female membership and plans reflect needs of local area
    • other benefits include greater engagement of women in projects, employment opportunities, improved roads / drainage etc