Physical Properties of Simple Hydrocarbons

Cards (12)

    1. LDF - weakest, momentary dipoles, increase size = increase LDF
    2. Dipole-Dipole - polar molecules only, between molecules
    3. Hydrogen bonding, when H is covalently attatched to O, N, or F - strong, between molecules, increase H bonds = increase IMF = increase boiling point
  • Alkanes - non polar, LDF, not soluble or low solubility when very small
  • Alkenes - non polar, LDF, not soluble
  • Alkynes - non polar, LDF, not soluble
  • benzene - non polar, LDF, not soluble
  • Alkyk halides - usually polar, LDF, DD, low solubility
  • alcohol - polar (hydroxyl group), LDF, DD, H-bond, soluble
  • carbolxylic acid - polar (carboxyl), LDF, DD, H-bond, soluble
  • Ester - somewhat polar, LDF, DD, soluble is 4C or less; polarity decreases as carbon chain increases in size
  • the stronger the IMF's the better the attraction between molecules, more energy needed to break bonds, therefore higher melting and boiling point
  • homologous series: a group of molecules that have the same general formula, but only differ from one another in the length of the carbon chain
  • in molecules from a homologous series, the larger the molecules, the higher the melting/boiling point