
Cards (8)

  • Humanity is naturally divided into races: Race is a new human classification by which nature is blamed for socially constructed discriminations. The concept has no real foundations but our 'belief' in it has real effects.
  • We no longer discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity: discrimination extends beyond the simple and overt - most persuasive in institutional and cultural forms.
  • Educational outcomes are unaffected by race or ethnicity: Whether deliberate or unintended discrimination in some racial and ethnic minorities often still find themselves at the losing end of the education system.
  • There is an 'Indigenous problem' in education: Indigenous students struggling in school is an institutional, national problem. Colonization created international problems of racism and cultural hierarchies in schools that all share in solving by dissolving us vs them binaries. Recognizing diversity of groups and consulting with key communities.
  • Conservative approach:
    • Value dominant race/ethnicity identities and colonising cultural ideas.
    • Educated against threats to dominate racial hierarchies, dominant language use or to the protection of the cultured society. Some particularly protect white/ colonising versions of history, identity and culture.
    • Groups are encouraged to endorse stereotypical expectations. Not actively discouraged from segregation as it seems 'natural'
  • Liberal approach: promote equal opportunity, integration and racial blindness.
    • Educated against individual classroom integration or cultural recognition as an alternative or addition to mainstream schooling culture.
    • Identifying social structures in need of reform for racial equity is strong in the Australian curriculum
    • Aims to celebrate cultural, ethnic and racial diversity. Pedagogy focused on safe and supportive practices, special events and days celebrating diversity.
  • Critical approach: Facilitate integrated whole school approaches toward cultural reform and decolonising efforts.
    • Combatting racism, discrimination and cultural elitism through a focus on multiculturalism and human rights in Australia geography, science, cross-curriculum priority and student diversity in education policies
    • Equity orientated and questions unequal power. Emphasizes the human right to access and participate in all levels of education without discrimination
  • Postmodern approach: Allows students the 'truths' of race. ethnicity and cultures as presented in cultural hegemony (dominant cultures). Teach numerous realities and perspectives.
    • Educated against the assumed importance and relevance of colonial or monoculture in knowledge formation and education
    • Multiple cultures taught in equal partnership. True equal exchange of ideas in a negotiated space, where perspectives are interrogated; compared/ contrasted