periodic table

Cards (12)

  • add cl2 (aq) to unknown solution and shake. add organic solvent and shake
    Br- : orange aq layer & orange-red organic layer
    I- : brown aq layer & purple organic layer
  • reaction with thiosulfate
    cl & br: avg OS of S increases from +2 to +6
    iodine: avg OS of S increase from +2 to +2.5
  • reactions with Fe
    Cl2 & Br2: spontaneous reaction with Fe and Fe2+
    I2: spontaneous reaction with Fe only
  • why F2 BDE lower than expected
    small atomic size, great repul btwn lp e- on the 2 F atoms, weakening F-F bond
  • what is e conductivity dependent on?
    presence and no. of mobile charge carriers
  • Si is a metalloid, poor e conductor
  • P expands its octet by promoting 1 3s e- to 3d subshell
  • S expands its octet by promoting 1 3s e- and 1 3p e- to 3d subshell
  • group 2 metals mp
    no clear trend. metals adopt diff crystal structure
  • thermal stability
    group 2: charge density
    group 7: H-X bond
  • why does H-X bond decrease down grp 17
    • less effective orbital overlap, btwn 1s orbital of H and valence p orbital of halogen.
    • e-neg diff decreases, decrease in bond polarity
  • iodine becomes more soluble when KI added
    due to fmtn of soluble (forms ion-dipole int w h2o) complex ion, I3-