medical model only

Cards (16)

  • biochemical explanation of depression
    • serotonin is a neurotransmitter when a sense is stimulated will be sent along the nervous system. the message will go from one nerve to another
    • nerve cells are separated by synaptic clefts which need to be crossed for a message to pass
    • if levels of serotonin are low, then the serotonin molecules may be absorbed back into the pre-synaptic nerve cell too soon, meaning the message may not be effectively across the gap
    • depression may be caused by a lack of serotonin or lack or response to serotonin
  • biochemical explanation of schizophrenia
    • it is suggested that schizophrenia could be related to high levels of dopamine within the nervous system, with this causing an excess of dopamine to reach post-synaptic nerve cells
  • treatment aim
    it would be focused on restoring normal levels of neurotransmitter action. for example:
    • treating depression by blocking the reuptake of serotonin to ensure there is enough serotonin available for messages to get carried along the nervous system
    • treating schizophrenia by blocking receptors in post synaptic nerve cells to prevent an overload of dopamine reaching the post-synaptic nerve cell
  • genetics from parents

    • certain disorders could be passed from parents to children through genetic transmission.
    • so children could inherit a disorder or a disposition towards a disorder in much the same way that they might inherit eye colour
    • it is possible for a child to show such a tendency but for a sibling of theirs not to
    • Gottesman and Shields found that if one twin had schizophrenia, then there was a 58% chance of an identical twin also having schizophrenia
  • evolutionary theory

    • it is proven that certain traits that may in the past have enabled some people to survive while other people without these traits will have died.
    • it is suggested that we have inherited traits that have a beneficial effect on our chances of survival
    • this is a possible explanation for phobias as people with a fear of spiders, snakes, heights etc might have had an evolutionary advantage that enable them to survive and reproduce
  • embryo manipulation

    • in its early stages of research
    • reduces the inheritance of genetic disorders by using genetic material from three parents is in the early stages of research
  • brain abnormality explanation of schizophrenia
    • Brown revealed- in post-mortem studies comparing the brains of patients with schizophrenia against those of patients with affective disorder- that the brains of schizophrenics were 6% lighter and had enlarged lateral ventricles and significantly thinner para-hippocampal cortices
  • brain abnormality explanations of depression
    • research has shown that patients with depression can show a smaller hippocampal volume than people not experiencing depression
    • this may be due to depressed people experiencing stress which led to the release of cortisol which destroys hippocampal cells, reducing the effect of serotonin in the body
  • likely treatment for brain abnormality
    • drug therapy would be most likely
    • in some cases surgery may be used (e.g. to remove brain tumours)
  • Gottesman- aim
    • to investigate in a large sample the probability of a child being diagnosed with a mental disorder if either or both of their parents had this disorder
  • Gottesman- sample
    • anyone in Denmark aged between 10 and 52 years with a clear link to their biological parents.
    • this meant a sample of almost 2.7 million people and their parents being studied
  • Gottesman- procedure
    using data from the psychiatric central register, Gottesman identified four groups of people:
    • both parents admitted to a psychiatric hospital with a diagnoses of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression
    • one parent admitted to a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression
    • neither parent admitted with a diagnosis of a disorder
    • the 'general public' with no data available
  • Gottesman- findings
    • both parents admitted with the schizophrenia/bd- 27.3%, 24.9%
    • one parent admitted with schizophrenia/bd- 7%, 4.4%
    • there was a genetic overlap between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
    • if both parents had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, then there was an increase in the likelihood of being admitted with any disorder
    • at age 52, very few people were receiving a fresh diagnosis of schizophrenia, however, at the same age, fresh diagnoses of bipolar disorder were still being made
  • Gottesman- conclusions
    • where both parents have been admitted to psychiatric hospital with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, their offspring are at a super high risk of being admitted with a disorder themselves
    • 'uses of the information in this study will involve personal decision making with regard to marriage, child bearing, adoption and one's own prospects for the future
    • we must not be ignorant of the Nazi's use of so-called information to justify eugenics
  • drug therapy as an application

    • drug therapies aim to restore normal levels of neurotransmitter action
    • one of the most well-known forms of drug treatment are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
    • with more serotonin in the synapse, this increases the likelihood of sufficient serotonin reaching the post-synaptic receptor sites and triggering an electrical impulse to continue down the neuronal pathway
    • SSRIs are used to treat both depression and, increasingly, anxiety
  • brain stimulation as an application

    • they are aimed at resetting the brain
    • electro-convulsive therapy- where a patient has electrodes placed on their temples; an electric shock is then passed into their brain. the aim is to trigger an epileptic seizure in an attempt to jump-start the entire brain and relieve the symptoms of a mental health disorder such as severe depression or a psychotic episode