relationships physical attractiveness

    Cards (16)

    • Evolutionary processes involved in physical attractiveness
      Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships
    • Research by Cunningham et al. on physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction

    • There are many similarities across cultures when studying physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships
    • Features rated attractive by Hispanic and Asian males

      • Large eyes
      • Prominent cheekbones
      • Small nose
      • High eyebrows
    • Attractive features display
      Genetic fitness (sexual selection)
    • It is possible to generalise findings from western cultures to non-western cultures as they have displayed similarities when investigating evolutionary explanations of physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships
    • Research by Taylor et al. to contradict the matching hypothesis

    • Online daters sought meetings with potential partners who were more physically attractive than them
    • This contradicts the prediction about matching attractiveness

      Lowering the validity of the matching hypothesis as a factor that affects attraction in romantic relationships
    • Choosing individuals for dating could be considered as different from selecting a partner for a romantic relationship
    • Many studies have found a significant correlation in ratings of 'matched' physical attractiveness in established romantic relationships
    • There is support for the matching hypothesis and physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships
    • Much of the research carried out into physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction is correlational
    • A cause and effect cannot be established between physical attractiveness and levels of attraction in romantic relationships
    • There could be another intervening factor impacting the attraction within the romantic relationship such as, the amount of time partners spend together, the amount they disclose or similarity in attitudes
    • This limits the support and internal validity of the research into physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships
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