Benefits to society and the economy

Cards (7)

  • significant benefits to society,studies on drugs play a crucial role in treating mental health problems
  • The McCrone report
    mental health issues cost England £22.5 billion annually
    Highlights the economic advantages of drug therapy over psychotherapies
  • Research studying drug therapies is vital for reducing expenses and aiding individuals return to work
  • Societal benefits stem from Bowlbys research on attachment ,his work shed light on the importance of emotional care in early childhood development,influencing global policies
  • Eg unicef,empasise the impact of emotional care on shaping a better world economy,provides evidence that unethical studies are acceptable if you consider their greater good to society
  • Argues that Bowlbys unethical implications outweigh the greater good to society
  • Bowlbys pp werent provided appropriate confidentiality,all the pp first names and first initial of their last names were published.With multiple details about their lives.This could then impact their futures,not being able to get a job.